The most thorough and useful weather information I’ve ever received!
Weather Live° App Reviews
Amazing app!
Family sharing not supported
Family sharing not supported on iPad Pro or other iPhones on family sharing. States it can’t share that the purchase was canceled or refunded which is false.
Why is it SO hard to make a decent watch app?
Do you think maybe people with an Apple Watch would like their weather complication to show the weather where they actually are?! Not these folks, apparently. I have background app refresh on and location turned on “all the time” but if I drive 12 hours - not even fly - and look at my watch, there’s the latest conditions for 4 states north. And while you’re at it - is it SO hard to show the conditions AND the temperature? Fix both these and there are 4 more stars on offer.
Worth it
Best formatting of any weather app. All info in 1 place. Must have.
Why do I need this app? All I have to do is look out the window. After updating the app several times it still says it is sunny outside but upon looking out the window it is cloudy and snowing. What is wrong with this picture????
Gorgeous app!
I really love the app. One feature I’d love to see is an allergen report. We have lots of allergens here in Texas and it would really be great to use this app to see which one 9s making me suffer!
Weather Live
A beautiful display of critical information offered in a concise and Intuitive format.
Not very accurate. It shows the current temperature as -14C but in fact, its only -1C. Ive noticed many temperature inaccuracies at most locations I travel. Not sure what sources the app draws its information from but for weather forecasting, again, not very accurate. Not an app Id pay for. After a couple of weeks since my review, the app now seems to be working correctly and accurately. I’m glad I kept it!
Weather Live
Terrific App! I have this one and NOAA. In my opinion, this one does more and does it better. I’ve found that NOAA is always 2-3 degrees off in its prediction for the temp of the day, while Weather Live has never been more than 1 degree off and is typically right on. A 2-3 degree discrepancy can mean the difference between taking a jacket or not. It can mean the difference between needing to bring in a load of firewood or not. It can mean the difference between being prepared properly or not. With Weather Live I’ve always got the correct clothing and the necessary prep for the day, or the week. Yesterday, my husband used a different weather app and told me it was going to rain today. I checked my Weather Live and told him it was going to be a mild, sunny day. We made a bet on it. Guess what? I’m going out to dinner tonight. Lol. Thanks, Weather Live!
Poor reports Temperature is rarely correct
A number of times it has reported it was snowing and cloudy in Worcester, MA., when the sky has been crystal clear and the moon out. Presently it’s 28 degrees reported by the National Weather and two others and the app states it’s 28. Total BS 1-23-18 32 degrees out app states 48
I was a little bit skeptical about actually purchasing this app, but after and seeing everything that he can do I don’t regret spending $4.99 for it. Best weather app I’ve ever owned!
All You Need
If you’re low in storage space, or just want a single source of information, this is the weather app for you. Whether you’re forming your own forecast, want to see an accurate computer model, or just want to check the barometer and verify your aches, Weather Live fills the bill, and with an elegant user interface.
Great visuals but grossly inaccurate
I really like this app with all the visuals and diagrams it presents but the the accuracy of the weather forecast leaves a lot to be desired. For instance, we are presently in the middle of a major snowfall and the app shows sunshine. They need to source their weather information from another provider such as Environment Canada!
Really good but minor problem
It’s a really amazing app, but today I met a problem. So I have set 2 cities for my weather, and one is ok, everything is fine. But the other city’s weather, is weird. In “short term weather”, there is only weather for now, instead of hours in a day.
Pure Elegance
This app is absolutely stunning. Nuf said.
Great App
It has everything I need to know about the weather in my country!
An accurate weather reports!
I like the app it’s really pretty and well-designed but it’s the most in accurate weather app I’m seen it could poring rain outside and my weather app will tell me Sunny and It would be sunny and It would tell me that it’s over cast and drizzling? If the forecast was accurate it would be an awesome app. Looks like I can only rely on the weather app that comes on my iPhone.
STOP!!!! Please read on...
Ive looked at many weather apps available on the Apple app store, and WEATHER LIVE is an exceptional app when it comes to reliability, ease of use, appearance, and use with Apple watch. The old adage, "you get what you pay for" is usually true, but in this case you get the best for absolutely nothing, nada, zippo. D/l this app now, you regret it. Thank you for your attention. ✌
I really wanted to like this app because it looks great. However the information is always incorrect. Right now it is 65 degrees on all my weather apps but this one shows 58. It’s ridiculous!
Current temps incorrect
Very disappointed. Current temperatures are almost always incorrect, sometimes by as much as 6-7 degrees. Everything else seems to be correct, but the temps are usually 3-4 degrees off.
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