Just got an ad for a scanner app when I opened this app up. So here is a one star review.
Weather Live° App Reviews
Can’t provide hourly weather forecasts
This app provides weather forecasts no more often than in 3-hr intervals. How is this a 5-star app? A lot can happen in an hour, much less 3! Unusable.
Weather Live
Love the landscape. Like the addition of wind and rain fall. Live in a windy rainforest, couldnt ask for more. No improvements needed. Thanks you
Beautiful and informative
Love this app! Worth the small, one time, payment. Lots of info that is detailed/understandable. Fantastic looking interface that mirrors the current local conditions and time of day. You can also update or confirm current weather conditions in your area. Nice looking info widget too. Thanks for a great app.
Not Accurate at All
I have found this app in no where near accurate with temperature or forecast. The GPS has my location but example is it shows my current temperature is 21 when it’s actually 45. It’s pouring rain with high winds but the app shows sunny and calm and cold. I paid for this app but biggest waste of money as it’s only a joke now amongst the family. 2 weeks later app says 8 degrees meanwhile it’s 45! Or now says 38 when it’s 18. App shows current location. Worst app that I’ve ever paid for!!!
Great app, not so great customer support
Ive been using Weather Live for a long time mainly because it includes dewpoint temperature which is very important for us that lives in Desert area as well as customizable layout. Ive mentioned about this app to many of my friends. I wouldve rated this a 5 stars very easily, however customer support was poor resulting in loosing two stars. I reported to tech support that the app on Watch Series 3 crashes until its launched for the 3rd time and it stays. Happens everytime I call it up on Watch. Their response was very canned and did not take the time to read my issue.
Wonderful app or all seasons!
Everything one needs to know about the day at hand!
Dickson kidd
Very nice weather map. It’s not to much and covers the whole day with temp. & rain.
Paid app with nag ads
This app is otherwise fantastic, but when I pay $5 for a friggin weather app I am appalled when I get screen blocking, data wasting ads for the company’s other products. You should be ashamed of yourselves, had I known this was the case I’d have continued to use weather underground’s app and payed the yearly $5 to remove ALL ads.
Unhappy ?
I’m a Michigander so as you know weather hits unfortunately for this app it doesn’t give the proper wind chills which could harm you so no go
Please add current/forecast surface position of fronts to the map
Gives me a pretty accurate assessment of the Weather
You are buying ads
You’d think that by purchasing an app instead downloading a free or lite version you’d be spared the pop up advertisements. Nope! You pay for weather AND ads.
Beautiful and Very Informative
Beautiful app. Very detailed with a great layout.
Not worth the money
Not worth the money, the radar will not display correctly after repeated emails they will not give me my money back.
No issues, no suggestions for improvement.
Still waiting for improvements
From the start I haven’t been happy with this app but since I paid for it, I’m waiting to see if company takes constructive criticism into account for improvements. I continue to ask for an allergy counter, an example of a valuable tool offered with other ‘free’ apps. Oh, and still... my current weather is rarely accurate.
Inaccurate cold temperatures
For some reason, the temperatures are very inaccurate when the temperature falls below 20 degrees, unless perhaps it’s the projected high for the week. Currently the claim is 15 degrees, today, 01/02/18 @0620, zip code 17814, I can say, there isn’t a 15 degree temperature in a 20 miles radius, and very likely not for the next 72 hours..??
On the spot
It’s there when you need it or seeking information; you can’t beat that
Nice app
Good visuals. Good accuracy. Like the app very much so far.
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