Weather Live
Terrific App! I have this one and NOAA. In my opinion, this one does more and does it better. I’ve found that NOAA is always 2-3 degrees off in its prediction for the temp of the day, while Weather Live has never been more than 1 degree off and is typically right on. A 2-3 degree discrepancy can mean the difference between taking a jacket or not. It can mean the difference between needing to bring in a load of firewood or not. It can mean the difference between being prepared properly or not.
With Weather Live I’ve always got the correct clothing and the necessary prep for the day, or the week.
Yesterday, my husband used a different weather app and told me it was going to rain today.
I checked my Weather Live and told him it was going to be a mild, sunny day.
We made a bet on it.
Guess what?
I’m going out to dinner tonight. Lol.
Thanks, Weather Live!
TradKnitter about Weather Live°, v5.7