Weather Live° App Reviews

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Weather live

Live in Calhoun Ga in north West ga this weather Alive hits right on the dime every time

Why purchase??

I paid for this app but every time I open it I still get pop up ads. So frustrating, wasted money! I liked the layout and the info on that app that’s why I paid for it. Disappointed that I still have ads though?


Love it! I work in a garden, & it has all the information I need. It’s beautiful, too.

Complete Weather information in seconds

Using this weather app is the very very best. Complete and accurate with ability for user to confirm or change information about the local precipitation. Wind direction/speed, satellite view , and future outlook. Outstanding program. Excellent and reliable

Temperature Accuracy

The biggest problem with this app is that it is almost always off the temperature by at least 10 degrees +/-. This is comparing with 3 other weather apps and 3 out of 5 weather radar apps that provide temperature. The app has a great display but that doesn’t overcome the inaccuracies, makes me doubt the other information.

Great app

Wonderful tool for an outdoor sportsman.

Great support! A beautiful app!

I live in a small town in a semi remote location. The app downloaded and did not reflect the actual weather in my location. A relative 10 miles away in the mountains experienced the same thing. I wrote to the app developers and explained the situation. The staff went to work immediately. It took a few days to solve the problem, but they did it! A person can’t ask for more than that. From the background landscape to the layout of the weather information, the app is beautiful! The layout is excellent and easy to read and follow. After the “fix,” it appears to be accurate and is reflecting the weather outside very nicely. Obviously, the accuracy factor will take a while to verify over time and the seasons. I give the app and the great staff developing it “two thumbs up!” It is worth the minor cost to enjoy the beauty of a detailed weather app!

Not very accurate!!!

The temperatures are wrong most of the time. It doesn’t update my locations weather. Haven’t found a weather app yet that works. Best thing I know is go outside and see if it’s cool or hot, raining or sunshine and come up with your own weather forecast. The radar is OK to at least see when rain is near but that’s about it.

Weather live

Love this application

The best off all

Nothing but the best

Has It All

Finally, a weather app that has everything I want! Its the only one Ive found that shows the amount of precipitation. And theres no extra junk either. I guess Ive tried 10-12 weather apps over the years....but Ive finally found the best one. And every morning, theres an automatic banner that tells me a brief weather description. I love this app. It couldnt be better.

Inaccurate visibility info

This would be a 5 Star app, except, during a snow blizzard the app reported good driving and clear visibility. Need better information than that, especially with mountain driving.

This app meets all my expectations

My one problem with this app is the driving conditions. We can have 6” of snow and if the visibility is good it says” nice weather to take a drive”. Midnight and high winds “ nice weather to take a drive”. It bugs me no end.


Rarely gives the right weather. It gives weather in Arizona I call them in that town and it’s just beautiful app says it’s raining all day.


it is a good app

Weather Live

Great app. Simple to use. Alway there when you need it ? I like being able to get weather info when making travel plans. Accurate and helps a lot. Would highly recommend it.

Greatest weather app

It’s my main source of the weather. Still see the weather on TV channel 5 but don’t always turn tv on.

This new app has everything you need - I love inches of rain and wind speed

This new app has everything you need - I love inches of rain and wind speed and direction

Great app!

Ive had a number of weather apps at this point, and this one is by far my favorite! Using the badge icon to tell the temperature is a clever touch. Well worth the $2.99.

Poor reports Temperature is rarely correct

A number of times it has reported it was snowing and cloudy in Worcester, MA., when the sky has been crystal clear and the moon out. Presently it’s 28 degrees reported by the National Weather and two others and the app states it’s 28. Total BS 1-23-18 32 degrees out app states 48 2-16-18 presently total clouds APP SAYS......Sunny SO BAD! More wrong than right App states it’s 40 degrees. National Weather and five other sources report 34.

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