So much for accuracy! Those were the good old days.
Well, here’s the stats: Weather Live temperature 32F, Davis Vantage Pro 2 temperature 48.5F. Weather Live Humidity 10%, Davis Vantage Pro 2 Humidity 46%. Weather Live Dew Point 9F, Davis Vantage Pro 2 Dew Point 29.0F. Weather Live Pressure 30.36”, Davis Vantage Pro 2 Pressure 30.33”. So if you just need to know the Barometric Pressure this is the app for you. These readings were taken while half the State of California was on fire (figure of speech). It was not freezing (32F) here. If the developer would incorporate Weather Underground data for Personal Weather Stations (which are checked for accuracy by, MADIS), the readings would be more locally accurate. So if your nor concerned with accuracy, this is the app I recommend.
Whittier Weather Service about Weather Live°, v5.7