Lisag883 LOVES THIS APP!!!
Best informative app for weather hands down! Anything and everything from radar, precipitation, humidity to tornado warnings, to even pollen, along with any of your needs and wants for weather choices in any and every city you want and need galore!! Too many selections to list what this app can provide you with that you need to know. Just anywhere Ive ever been in the United States I can find out ACCURATELY what I need to know, from daily time, to 24 hours ahead and even over a week ahead of time!!! You can set this app to provide you with any info you need, like and want to have with any widget too. So, if youre the type that has to use five additional weather apps to find out what the weather is like, as so many people I know do, you can delete them, because its all right here in one incredible and informative weather app. I challenge you to check and try it out. Some of this may sound repetitive, however, its really not cuz theres just so much you can find out in this one incredible app. Try it! Youll love it!!!!
Lisag883 about Weather Live°, v5.5